What’s your top speed?

Nice! With his own motor?

Yep and Moses wings. You’ll need a good wing set for that speed. I doubt Gong will allow you to go that fast “safely”.

The top end speed of the liquid force thruster, that I have, is 32miles/h or 52km/h on there website. I am not sure if that is true but 40+ km/h is what I reached before with a slower prop.

IMHO, 50kmh = 27 knots, definitely possible with … the 712cm2 Gong kite front wing :wink: :yum:

Looks good! Can’t wait to see what speed you can get! I been debating setting up a 500kv with 3:1 gear to really get some speed!!!

I have the 500kv with 5:1 gear. You realy need the torque if you want a high pitch prop. I have tested this prop on the flipsky motor but It pulls way to much amps and the motor can’t reach high rpms. I will let you know how it goes.

I also found out that the flipsky motor performes best in top speed / efficiency with a small diameter and small surface prop. I have cut atleast 5 different props for it now. I also make them realy sharp. Not the best for safety but for efficiency it is great.

It will be interesting to see how close you get to the motors max RPM.
If I went for a 3:1 I’d switch to a bigger motor than the 56 though. Most likely a 70120 that has more torque.

70120 with 3:1, I have it ready, but noo time for fly :roll_eyes::grin:

I found an interesting article.
At the bottom of the page under the topic: “What about hydrofoils?” is described how the wing surface affects friction and topseed. Maybe this is interesting for some of you.


180A, is that motor amp or battery amps?

It was motor amps. My results where not so great, only 41km/h at 94% throttle. It was scary to go full throttle. Maybe the foil is not that fast. I think I have enough power to go much faster.

What speed do you get with that wing+stab? Did you use any shims on the stab?