Waterproof remote control options

Interesting! Are you still planning on waterproofing yours?

Nah, the condom plan is still in play.

Has anyone seen these from Kedan?

Remote 1
Remote 2

Does anyone know if they are any good or not? Cant find a reference anywhere on the forum to them except for a jet propulsion unit

I have the gen2 Maytech remote. was awesome for about 5 sessions. Now doesn’t work at all.

I’m waiting for another company to get in the ring to both bring down price and hopefully improve waterproofing and reliability.

In the meantime I’m Running a flipsky remote in a condom.

I just got the Maytech remote from @Eileen. Opened it up to check the waterproofing and the mainboard is potted pretty well, except they could have used more so the connectors would have been covered. Both “pots” are Hall effect with magnets so this is awesome!

Sadly the display isn’t waterproofed at all and although they claim it is waterproof the open circuit will not stand the saltwater corrosion for a very long time. If it only was potted also I think it would work, but I expect the display to fail… Not good for a 200USD (inc shipping) remote. I was in contact with Maytech asking if I maybe got a bad one but they said it was all good.

A young lady of Flipsky wrote me that they gonna release there waterproof remote in June. Let’s see :wink:

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I hope that, with all the pictures found here showing bad designs, they know what not to do :wink:

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Any picuteres or specs of the new Flipsky June remote?

Nope, I just asked them 2 weeks ago via Alibaba.

I used maytech V1 5 times in fresh water and then it stopped working. It’s lousy quality for the money. I’m waiting for someone to make a better driver.

With so many problems with the Maytech V2 remote, wouldn’t it be an advantage to take everything off the remote and either:

Just thinking :thinking:

i would like to integrate the electronics of my remote control into a design similar to the Hiorth brothers.

To do this i would have to find a hall effect sensor that i can replace with the potentiometer. There is a voltage drop across a potentiometer, so all I need is a Hall effect sensor that gives me voltage in the same range as the voltage drop across the potentiometer?

I would install the Hall sensor in the housing and the magnets in the wet area.

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Or just get an ip67 rated potentiometer. I have one and it works well underwater.

Would you have a link ? Linearity seems to be the key.

hello, in the same style you have the remote control of YAHEF which very promising!


So out of curosity, I chased up Kedan on the remote.

Its not ready for shipping for another 2 to 3 weeks…oddly thats around the same timeframe that we have been hearing on the flipsky remote…coincidance!!!

Looks like my V2 remote main board is potted pretty good:

The potting didn’t cover the board under the main lever:

I assume it’s not only supposed to cover the top of the PCB but also flow around and under the board too. Is this of concern or is this area not critical to water?

Also, is it really ok that the screen isn’t covered at all?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.