Thoughts on Improvement

Hi everyone,

First of all a big thanks to pacificmeister for creating this forum and awesome build videos.

We are two Mechanical Engineering students from Denmark currently working on a project for electric driven hydrofoil boards.

Please take 5 minutes to give us your inputs on the problems you have encountered with your boards and what features you find most important, so we can help improve the current hydrofoil boards.

This is for academic purposes and not for profit. Our project will be uploaded on the site when we complete it.

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Interesting to hear and see what comes forward from your project. Where in DK are you from? Iā€™m also from DK.

Hi Sten,
We are from Aarhus :slight_smile:

I am also from Aarhus.
I am collecting parts and making drawings for my build, but is not quite there yet.
Would you be interested in meeting and sharing thoughts?

how did the survey go, will you be sharing the stats here on the forum?

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