The history of weight shift controlled electric hydrofoils

Most patents are not worth the paper they are written on. Once again Pacific Meister SAVES THE DAY

Patents are meant to drive innovation NOT KILL IT without so much as an alibi

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Some good info about hydrofoils on this page: Hydrofoiling History -

The part that starts with ā€œMike Murphy and Bud Holst in 1972ā€ is especially interesting since the drawing looks identical to most modern foil boards aside form the double strut (which was apparently replaced with a single strut, unfortunately there are no pictures of that version).

Langelaanā€™s patent says ā€œThe watercraft of the present invention is specifically designed to achieve desired levels of stability and controllability without the need for moveable surfaces. This is done through a combination of airfoil design, planform design, and tailoring the span-wise twist distribution to achieve desired outcomes.ā€

If he thinks his design was novel because it can turn simply by shifting your center of gravity, then he was about 50 years late.

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I hate patent squatters, they ruiin so many industries.

The US patent office is cracking down on them.

It is the responsibility of the inventor NOT the patent office to find prior artā€¦

Inventors think they are ā€œfoolingā€ them when they ā€œaccidentlyā€ dont find prior artā€¦ it just means they wasted money trying to fool ppl like those on this forumā€¦ or reaql progress and innovation in the sportā€¦

I am a huge proponent of using a durajet type device and it MIGHT be patentable but WHO caresā€¦

I say might because my area of expertise is/was oring designa nd IP , with a couple (but several patents around the world in seven countreisā€¦my boss wasted his money-tiny tiny market-all ego driven)ā€¦

I would love to see people on the forum try a durajet combined with a gear case and a flat motor on top like a normal outboardā€¦

I windsurf but came to the forum for ideas on motors for a powered surf board like water wolf but i am used to making 500 of something and the prototyping costs for one of something are horrificā€¦

here is the durajet linkā€¦



the above link avoids the need to reinvent the wheel and it provides VAST increases in efficiency compared to a ā€œjetā€ drive

I am a former R&D engineer with several patents in my name and prior art is the issue with all this stuff

Lastly, WATER gets into everything, so the ultimate solution is a gear case just like in the 50-70 year proven design of the standard OUTBOARD :stuck_out_tongue:

Prof. Jakob Kuttenkeuler came to visit us in Alameda and we took the foiling toys out with him. It was an honor to ride with the godfather of all efoiling! 13 years ago, in the year 2008/2009, Jakob led a team of passionate students through project EVOLO. They invented the weight shift controlled electric hydrofoil. It was the worlds first team building and riding what we know as efoil today. In 2009 it was shown on the boat show, covered on television and YouTube. A research report was published, all details above.


Wow great follow up on an old thread, really nice to see many ā€œgodfathersā€ enjoing it together and also displaying the Candela which originates from same city is the Evolo project.


Great thread, have missed this totally. My own theory is that Mr. Langelaan and the Lift team knew exactly what they where doing, acting mala fide regarding the patent. They also knew that as the original invention was made in Europe, USPTO would let it pass through rather easily(still incredible it worked though). They also knew they will loose if it will be challenged properly. However, the main point is that the paten helps a lot when collecting money from investors. They needed it in the initial stage, now it s probably not so important anymore for them, as they are probably already makin money and possible donā€™t need new investors alongā€¦ Still it will probably scare someone so it good to keep this thread alive telling the true story and credit the real inventors!