Other Lipo sources in Europe other than HobbyKing

Hi All,

Can anyone recommend any other places to buy Lipos in Europe or the UK other than hobbyking

Was planning on buying 2 of these to run with an ARC200 and an early prototype flying Rodeo motor pod however they are out of stock

Does anywhere else sell Turnigy

I know Lipo is not the best option but I do not have the skills or knowledge or time to build my own battery pack

At Alie Express i see 18650 packs 1 kwh for about 350 euro free shipping. I was thinking about that. Lipo is not my thing anymore. 2 of those big turnigy is almost the same price. I just share a thought :slight_smile:

€ 308,50 | Gratis douane duty 44.4 V 12 S 1000 W lithium ion batterij 44 V 20AH elektrische fiets batterij met 30A BMS 50.4 V 2A Charger

Many more available there. I was looking at a 14s 51.8v at 20ah. I dont know how good it is but probably last longer than lipo rc packs. I think some sellers can provide a stronger bms also

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