New Waterproof Remote with Display (FelixRemote)

Any news ? we are in august :slight_smile:

can’t wait till they are back in stock!

When remote will be again in stock?

Still loving the FeRo, however I would like to share my rides (logs), and having problems with it.

When I try to share the log, I get a popup with a button “Link”, but nothing happens.
(also nothing copied to memory)

Is it me, or does this not work?

OS. Android 13

I can’t make my reciver work, so I wasn’t able to test that,sorry

Hi Kian

That feature is not enabled yet. We still do some background testing but are hoping we can release this feature before end of this season.

Best regards


Hi Justito

Please give more details so we can help you out.

Best regards

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We keep talking in DM Felix

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