New Direct Drive Inrunner 65150

ok i dont want to run into the same issue, because i have the flier 400a esc and it is the same as yours right?. btw could i have your prop and mast clamps for fusion 360? thanks

nice i will need that firmeware then too where can i get that firmware?

I am wondering if in case of a complaint Flipsky would reject it due to the opening and (partial) filling with fluid. TBH I do not know if they would offer replacement at all even if used within spec. Does somebody have experience with Flipskys complaint handling?

why would anyone fill the flipsky with corrosion x i mean it has ip 28 so you shouldnt need it right?

This is the prop in my video. It is not my file. I used it for the c80100 motor


There has been recently some posts from @Flightjunkie about this

They claim it’s IP28. I used the motor once for about 15 minutes in saltwater so far and after disassembling it to check for leaks after I already noticed a few very small drops of water on the inside of the shaft seal. Also if you run the motor dry out of the water you risk burning up the seal. You can spray lubricant on the outside of the shaft seal but this needs to be done frequently and its easy to forget or get carried away.

In my opinion corrosionX is not totally necessary but is certainly good insurance against water intrusion and I would be willing to bet will help the motor (bearings, seals…) last longer. Im sure it also helps the motor run cooler by facilitating conduction of heat directly away from the windings as well. Even if you had catastrophic failure of the shaft seal, the corrosionX should protect against permanent damage long enough for you to know something went wrong. I plan to run it in my motor and change it out every few months.

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3 Pols is not correct.
It must 2, 4, or 6 pols.
Best regards Frank

Actually 3 is correct! 6 magnets = 3 pole pairs. RPM = ERPM / Pole Pairs

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I hear so many different ideas for determining the number of poles on this forum. Im not really sure what number is correct but I do know if you want the Maytech remote to display the correct RPM you need to set the motor pole number to 3 in the settings menu.

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still working on it, we had issue with the rotor manufacturer,
our motor is great but we need to make it perfect, and it is very long
hope you understand

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The 3 to set can be correct.
But that’s not the number of poles.
Each pole is counted individually and not as a pair.
There are 10 poles cascaded with 20 magnets, and that doesn’t change the number of poles.

Greetings Frank

Here is a quote from: 5. Additional settings: Throttle curves, ERPM limits, safety features etc. | VESC Project

" Many people don’t know what the difference between ERPM and RPM is and why VESC-Tol doesn’t simply use an RPM value. The relation between RPM and ERPM has something to do with the motor you use and the VESCs doesn’t know the exact construction of your motor. But you may know it or you can find out easily.

All you need to know to calculate the ERPM is the number of pole pairs your motor features. Poles are e.g. the magnets of a BLDC-Outrunner/Inrunner motor. If your motor has 14 magnets installed, your motor has 7 pole pairs. In this case the RPM limit of your motor is simply the ERPM limit divided by 7.

Example: 7 Pole Pairs in motor, ERPM limit set to 70000 >>> RPM = 70000 / 7 = 10000 RPM.

There are separate settings for forward and reverse motor operation. In some application you may want a speedy forward movement but a slow running motor in reverse operation.

Excusion: ERPM limits, motor KV, system voltage and hardware limits.

To reach the 10000 RPM at 44.4 V, our motor would need to have a minimum of 226KV. (226 RPM/V x 44,4V = 10034 RPM).
In consequence the setting above would only make sense for motors with a higher KV than 226KV if you run them at 44.4V.


Thx for posting this. I tested my 65161 motor with my 75/300 VESC and it felt like it only has about 25% power. I haven’t tried to figure out why yet…but I think this might be the reason.

I swapped to the flier 400a ESC and it had full power. Need to figure out the VESC settings…


Have you tried running the motor wizard?

Yes. I but the wizard asks for you to set a bunch of settings. I probably screwed something up. Asks for size of motor. I picked the largest inrunner. Poles 6. Max ERPM I wasn’t sure I think Input 5000. Max battery amps 150. I don’t remember the other questions. I was using the APP on my Android phone. The phone APP isn’t very good. I’ll try with my PC next time. But it ran up the motor. Throttle felt good. But when I test rode it, it was only like 25% power. Almost enough to get on foil, but not quite. Swapped to Flier 400a ESC and 4 times the power.

Max erpm : live 150 000

Why did you swap to a vesc esc?

VESCs have much more Features and Settings!
Look into the threads Differences between ESC versus VESC.
A big plus from VESCs are the possibility to connect other devices…

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what are your motor amps?
Can you share the log?
VESC should have almost same power.
I guess it is either throttle curve, voltage limit or motor amps.
maybe screenshot those 3 settings.