New 200A Vesc based Flipsky ESC

I’m not sure, ill look through my pictures. Ill have to do a second one so ill be sure to capture the coating process.

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While my VESC went bad I ordered a new one, if it were to happen that I could not fix it. That one came in today and I noticed that they have changed some things, at least from the outside. There are now 2 diodes across the battery input wires and the capacitors have a higher voltage rating but a lower C. So probably there were some issues with input filtering. The diodes will take care of some strange voltage spices but the lower C I don’t know why they did that. hopefully also some upgrades under the rubber but we will see when it fails (hopefully not).

one of the first lesson i never buy the fisrt attempt if you don’t wan’t to be a beta tester :sunglasses: i have the same new capacitor and diodes

Maby this one is safe for 14s now… Previous models failed at 60V because of voltage spikes on the input.

I don’t think so. The mosfets NTMFS5C612NL
Is rated at 60v and i don’t think they changed that much. If you wanna know for sure open it up and check the mosfets.


Can you show on picture what opamps you have replaced, I tried to catch it but without success.

I planned to by this model so I capitalized all good stuff :yum:


I hoped that was visible in the photo but it’s the AD8418.
When kind of errors are you having?


Thnaks for your feedabck. I did not buy it yet. I’m checking what Christmas VESC could bring !

Flipsky could be a good model … …TRAMPA As well.

Do we have any experience on 13S yet?

Unfortunately, no. I don’t think it’s even worth finding out with so many high voltage, affordable (v)escs on the market nowadays.

Hey guys, i just asked flipsky about this.

Here what they have answered “we have customers who use 13s, We didn’t get bad feedback at present, but if worry about this you can use a lower battery.”

I’m still doubting… 12 or 13s…

Picked one up from Banggood for under $200. I have not installed it yet, working on battery configuration that will get me near 60v. I believe it will handle an 800amp surge and is water cooled. 200 amp max running amps. I have seen some specs that claim it will handle a 1200 amp surge. Weeks away from launching and testing my Strider E-Foil, but programming the VESC is one of my next hurdles…

If you think you might run >12S there is a number of ESCs out there now that can do it that aren’t much more expensive, maker-x hi200 is what I’m using and it works well.

I already have the flipsky one :sweat_smile: It’s now time to choose the battery configuration…

People have been using them successfully at 12s on the forum here, I wouldn’t do 13s, pretty easy to break with a little voltage spike.

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even with not using the breaks regen ? I think i’ll follow the recommandation i have seen everywhere on this forum. Not more than 12s :smile:

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Hi, I am about to configure my 200A Vesc based Flipsly ESC as it apparently does not run the motor (65161 120kv) from the default settings. I also cannot connect via USB :frowning_face: So will have to go throught the BT route. Question as I have not done this before - I assume I need a Bluetoot module connected to the ESC - but which bt module will work? Do I need to get the Flipsky one or will a i.e. HC-05 also work? (Just want to avoid the wait of ordering flipsky from China).

Don’t know about HC-05 but the Flipsky BT Module I can confirm to work. works as well. You need to use the TCP bridge feature. In it is under settings, in the vesc android app you find it under tcp Server.
For the Flipsky BT you use the vesc Android app, metr works on both ios and Android. Mobile and Desktop need to be reachable through IP (best put it in the sam WLAN).

Thanks for the info. I have ordered the Flipsky BT Module. Was however able to connect to usb today finally - so had a go at the vesc tool and got motor to run seemingly well (no load). Will have to try it in water in a few weeks when I piece all my stuff together…

The BT module is handy anyways if you don’t need the uart port for a remote with display. You can change parameters without opening anything. Really like metr, you can define “profiles”, it is possible to modify every parameter of the vesc in a profile. So you can i. e. limit throttle to 60% for beginner or kids mode. Just swipe with your finger on the mobile phone to apply. Should work on android app as well.