I know this might be a bad question but would multiple drill motors be powerful enough to move a jetsurf

I was just wondering because I just had this idea

« Multiple » has how many you think ?

Taking for instance : https://www.leroymerlin.fr/v3/p/produits/batterie-lithium-ryobi-rb18l40-18v-4ah-e1400354786?megaboost&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImOKrldyr5QIVB57VCh3m0geXEAQYASABEgL3lPD_BwE

18v so 5cells , 4ah probably 2 cells : so worth about 25€ of 18650 instead of 75€
For e-surfing looking at least with these : 36v 40A if they are able to take the discharge ( with their bms ) 20 of them : 1500€ With some space and weight

Now taking Samsung 40t cells you can do the same for less than 500€ , 8kg ( twice less) …

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