Diy battery 18650 pack or buy one?

I’ve no experience of Sony cells, only Samsung 30Q. From what I’ve read they are a good cell.

Just make sure you buy from a reputable source to avoid buying fake/dodgy cells.

if you are 100% sure that they are original, go for it! it is a great price for a great cell

One of the batteries I built for a mate got a little water on the one side when his hatch leaked.
I was quite impressed to see that the batteries kept their voltage and didn’t discharge.
But it has lead me to start a hunt for a decent DIY waterproof solution that is not too bulky.
I might try vacuum form an abs enclosure or use polycarbonate sheets. Any other thoughts on solutions?

If you have no salt water the you won’t have a short circuit when water is around the contacts or battery’s. I measured a resistance of 500kohm for 5mm water. So the current will be very very very low. Pls correct me if I’m wrong.

I have used the sony vtc6 and I think it is better then the 30q because of the higher discharge, so you lose less power to heat.

Ok thanks and they cost me 3,8 so I still think it’s a good price and I will ask him if they are 100% not fake. But thanks and waterproofing the battery is the next step. A waterproof box?
Any suggestions?


30Q you can get for 2,99 eur.
if you go with 7p or less, vtc6 will be better choice. for bigger batteries, like 8+ parallel cells, 30Q is better choice because of price.

Thanks i will go dir 14s 7p

This is 21 Ah i think it will give you Max 20-25 minutes ridetime

It’s ok I just don’t want a 20kg battery and it should be under 500€ and the lift foil goes with 2kwh 2h (drove it 2 weeks ago was so cool)

The Lift e-foil has a 14S14P battery with Samsung 30Q cells. That’s 42000Ah.
If you want to go slightly smaller, go 14S10P.


this might work for some

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Really I read 2kwh on It ok but thanks

Cont discharge 50 amps only…

500 is quite a tight budget, don’t forget the price of the charger and bms
my battery is 700 euros (16S10P) excluding buying a spot welder
. btw don’t cheap out on testing and isolation, I see a lot of guys not using cell isolator rings with a bit of heat the stock isolator that’s on the cell will melt a way, for like 3 euros u can get 200 isolator rings (these will help to prolong the lifetime of your battery by a lot!)

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Thanks can you tell me which spotwelder heatschrink ni strip and cells you are using.

Vtc6 cells and 10mm×0.15 nilkelstrip, 3 layers

Where will you put 3 layers? On series connection? That is way too weak, it will be enough for only 35-40 amp cont. On parallel connection? That is overkill, current between parallel cells is minimal. What I want to say, number of layers depends only about design of your battery.

Can you make me a battery plan for 14s7p that I don’t melt the ni strips?


Do you have any specific box where you want to put your battery? Or any other dimensional restrictions?