3D Printers Recomendations and what to look for

I use freecad to design my 3d parts and then cura to change the files to gcode for printing. Everything free and pretty easy to use.
I have the ender 2 and haven’t needed to level the bed in over a year. There are also Facebook groups which provide help for anyone if you run into problems.

Anycubic Mega

Out of the box good printing results

Thanks for help and suggestions, both Anycubic Mega and Ender seams like very good products for what i need. Will postpone the the 3D printer purchase until late autumn, otherwise will spend all summer inside playing with it:) My e surfbord will be very basic and don’t need 3D printing for it. Still waiting for parts, delivery times from china is incredible. If they catch the goods in custom, time ( and cost:))will be even longer.

I just threw down for the Prusa I3 MK3S with the MMU2S multimaterial upgrade specifically because it can print supports in water soluble material. My Lulzbot mini was a great printer but it did not do support well at all. And at 6x6 it worked great for 98% of prints, but there’s always that 2% where I need a bigger bed.

I am worried that since I bought them as a kit I’m going to have to tweak a bit to get it to print well. That was what I loved about the Lulzbot was it “just worked” out of the box.

The thing that sold me was I could specify which layers of the support structure were to be made out of water soluble material - so if you have 100 layers of support you can do the first 90 in cheaper PLA (or whatever you’re using) and the top 10 layers in $$$ water soluble, thus saving a lot of money.

If I’m really lucky I will be able to print the first 90% of the support structure in old crap filament I’ve got lying around :slight_smile:

I have a Prusa MK2.5S with the MMU2S as well as an Ender 3 Pro. If you want a printer that works awesome out of the box the Prusa is the way to go. Hands down the best printer I have used out of many. That said if you are on a budget the Ender 3 works very well. Especially if you invest in a few simple upgrades.


How is the printer turn out. I am about to get the same model.

Hi. I have been extremely occupied with rebuilding a bigger boat so have not had time play with a 3D printer unfortunately, didi not yet purchase it, have even tried to stay away from this forum as otherwise would be reading topics all day long:) Hope to come back end of this summer when have other projects finished.

I use the Anycubic Chiron. In use since half a year, no problems so far. Big build plate (400x400mm). The only disadvantage is that printing has to be slightly slower due to the large and heavy printing plate

I finally bought a Prusa MK3S with a multimaterial unit. I must say that i’m extreemly happy with it.
I have set up a printer corner in the garage… Propeller duct is soon done…

Just saw it cost like $1000USD assembled. Why so expensive ? Like many, I am running the Ender 3 pro, which gives me really good results. If I have to print smaller parts with more details I would use my SLA 3D printer.
What are the benefits of this printer over the others ?

I built it from the ground up as a kit.
And it just made excelent prints right away after calibration.
And it also prints in multi material.
Im very happy with the autobedleveling.

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